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Sustainable Biofuels from agricultural residues in North-Andean countries

This project aims at supporting specific research actions focused on the biochemical valorisation of residues from the agro-industrial sector in Latin-American (LA) countries. This will be done through the establishment of south-south and north-south interdisciplinary cooperation networks based on three main poles of competence: Switzerland, Venezuela and Colombia. North Andean research groups such as INZIT in Venezuela and in Colombia GAOX/GRALTA and GRUBIO Care working in the development of low-cost and low-energy demanding ozone generation systems with potential application for the improvement of the bio-convertibility of recalcitrant substrates and have already participated in successful Swiss-Colombian cooperation projects.

Estudiantes Vinculados al Proyecto

Panoramica Univalle
Mayor Información

Laboratorio de Microbiología Ambiental y Biotecnología.
c.e: microbiota@correounivalle.edu.co
Tel: +(57) (2) 3212100 Ext 2412. - Ciudadela Universitaria Melendez
Telefax +(57) (2) 3312175.
Universidad del Valle

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